Northern High School
Class Of 1974
Steve Kaplan
Steve's Latest Interactions
He lived across the street from me on Butner St, Stevie and Stevie, both sons of Sonnys, me with sister Terry, him with Sherry. Together we caught lightning bugs in jars, climbed trees, dammed Elgin Creek, his mom tied June bugs on strings for us, we drank straight from the brass spigot at the side of their house, and I helped him decorate their tree.... He was my first best friend.
He also played the contra-alto clarinet.
I visited Ricky's folks on a visit back to NC. His gentle father told me how happy he had been to have recently been married. Driving home, a drunk driver ran into him.
Ricky had a wicked sense of humor and a huge heart, and was very kind to me on several awkward occassions.
I think of him many times.
Lea was one of the most original, creative, intensely emotional, strong willed, brilliant people I have known. From her tearful "Ode to Sam" at Holt, her mature and independent-minded arguments on religion with her preacher, her contributions in the honors English seminar at UNC-CH, and her constant, witty and compassionate patience with me and whatever craziness I was currently spouting... I regret having lost touch with her along the way. The world feels a different place.
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